Audit and Accounting Solutions for Special Districts
Delivering Comprehensive Guidance to Enhance Quality

An integral part of BPW's audit and assurance practice is providing accounting consulting and conducting audits for Special Districts, including Water Districts and Municipalities. We understand the issues you face with the hybrid of governmental financial accounting standards as well as the state controller's minimum audit requirements.
With a winning combination of professionalism, technical skills and industry knowledge, our team of field auditors will provide a thorough assessment of your accounting procedures and deliver a comprehensive analysis to enhance quality, transparency and best practices. Leveraging our broad experience with Special Districts across California, we look for ways to improve your operations and streamline your processes.
In addition to conducting audits, BPW is also available for business and financial consulting on a continuous basis so that your entity's internal interim financial statements are accurate and prepared in accordance with GASB. We also provide the following services for Special Districts:
- Audits, compilations or reviews of financial statements
- Employee benefit plan audits
- Property tax reviews
- Internal control evaluations
- Agree upon procedures
- Financial reports
- Cash flow management
- ERP and CRM software
The BPW Special Districts team regularly attends training conferences and seminars to stay apprised of the ever-changing regulations. As a member of the RSM US Alliance, our team also consults frequently with national experts on both financial and governmental accounting.
RSM US Alliance provides its members with access to resources of RSM US LLP. RSM US Alliance member firms are separate and independent businesses and legal entities that are responsible for their own acts and omissions, and each are separate and independent from RSM US LLP. RSM US LLP is the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent audit, tax, and consulting firms. Members of RSM US Alliance have access to RSM International resources through RSM US LLP but are not member firms of RSM International. Visit rsmus.com/aboutus for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International. The RSMâ„¢ logo is used under license by RSM US LLP. RSM US Alliance products and services are proprietary to RSM US LLP.